Success Stories

Our collection of customer case studies and user spotlights is here to show you how Thnks is helping all kinds of businesses grow with gratitude.

Featured Case Study: 

Unlocking New Opportunities with Appreciation

"Not only has Thnks made all the traditional things we do to show appreciation easier, it's also been great to get us back on people's radar if we've fallen off. "

Sales Manager
Sales Manager Advertising Partnerships

Thnks User Spotlights


“Thnks is an outlet to start things off on the right foot. I’m able to engage with customers and new business on a personalized level through the multi-faceted platform.”

Bryan sent a YETI Rambler to a prospect alongside an email with information about the Salesforce + YETI partnership. The customer appreciated the gesture so much that they set up time to meet with Bryan. Sending a Thnks gave him key time with and insight into the customer.

Push to personalize: To build better relationships and do more business, Bryan recommends learning more personal elements about customers beyond the business case. “If you’re not pushing yourself to learn those deeper layers, you’re missing out on a lot of big pieces of info, and possibly even losing business deals.”

"The ability to use Thnks, makes it easier for us to enhance the experience we give our brokers. Appreciation makes all the difference. It's impactful and deepens our relationships."

After connecting with a broker, Kimje sent a "Let's Taco Soon" Lunch from Chipotle to him. The broker was wowed and when they later met in person, he was still talking about how much that gesture of gratitude meant to him! A simple gesture made a huge impact. 

Always be grateful: "Show your gratitude for everything!" Kimje is a naturally thankful person, and he believes that providing a Thnks when expressing appreciation is a bonus that leaves a long-lasting impression.


"There is always a reason to say thank you to someone, and the Thnks platform makes expressing gratitude so quick and easy."

Kirsten has found success using Thnks as a tool when relationships get tense. “Sending a Thnks has helped me smooth the waters and get things back on the right foot.” Showing appreciation for someone’s work when a project hits a roadblock can turn a negative situation into a positive.

Always say Thnks: “Thanking your clients and their team for their work, and acknowledging those little moments helps me build and foster relationships,” says Kirsten. Some of the reasons why she sends Thnks are for renewals, webinars, training, and milestones in her clients’ lives.


“Thnks provides that personal touch to build a relationship with clients. It shows that we’re thinking of them outside of just another sale.”

Aubrey used Thnks to send a long-time client a bottle of wine for their 10 year anniversary of working together. The client was so impressed with the thoughtful gesture that he reached out to Aubrey to set up a meeting and talk more about his financial goals, opening up new opportunities for business.

Appreciation for all: While Northwestern Mutual offices continue to grow, Aubrey encourages everyone to find unique ways to show gratitude with Thnks. 



Catherine Geewax
Sigma Computing

I honestly love Thnks and am already thinking about what I will send when deals close later this month. It makes it exciting and adds a creative element! 

Todd Catlette

Thnks has saved me hours of time so I can focus on what is most important, spending time building relationships in person or on calls with my customers.

Christian Conover

Thnks helps me engage with leads who reviewed Insightly's content, but have not raised their hand to be contacted, and encourage leads to schedule time with us!

Dominique de Stefano
Sigma Computing

When I use Thnks, I can get a program up and running in a day. I just need my list of contacts, my message, and it’s out the door. I can see in real time if people are redeeming gestures or responding. It’s all automated, which is amazing.

Kelly May

Without the ability to entertain in-person, the Thnks program has been invaluable for bringing joy and showing clients, candidates, consultants, and our employees they are appreciated!

Bryan Scholz

Thnks is an outlet to start things off on the right foot. I’m able to engage with customers and new business on a personalized level through the multi-faceted platform.

Jason Zawacki
Pure Storage

It's often said that people don’t care what you know until they know that you care. Gratitude is an aspect of caring, and the Thnks platform is the way my team demonstrates gratitude in simple gestures.

Michelle Della Rocco

With Thnks, we've been able to make gratitude a part of our client's journey through their entire lifecycle.

Start Saying Thnks