Thnks Blog

3 Life Lessons I’ve Learned in 35 Years – and 5 Tips To Achieve Them

Written by Brad Veach | Dec 9, 2020 10:52:16 AM

Not only is the holiday season the perfect time to express your appreciation, but the cooler months ahead also provide optimal opportunities for self-reflection.  

After a recent birthday celebration, our very own Jason Boone took a moment to consider the professional and personal wisdom he’s garnered over the past thirty-five years. 

Before you sit down to write your 2021 resolutions, consider the top three major life lessons Jason’s learned thus far, as well as five tips that will help you to achieve them:

1. Get Out Of Your Comfort Zone

“One can choose to go back toward safety or forward toward growth. Growth must be chosen again and again; fear must be overcome again and again.”Abraham Maslow

You have to spend some time in the “uncomfortable” parts of life. It’s the only way to grow. 

Waking up at 5am to workout. Moving in with your significant other. Quitting your job a month before a global pandemic. None of these changes were comfortable when I initially experienced them.

Whether it’s a new routine, a new level of communication, a sacrifice, or a new beginning, they are typically followed by growth. And although these things never become easy they do become easier

But, however difficult, it’s important to remember that the antonym of growth is comfort. 

You can’t grow as a person—physically, socially, emotionally, or professionally—unless you’re willing to get out of your comfort zone.

2. Express Your Gratitude Every Day When You Wake Up

“Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.”Oprah Winfrey

Take a few minutes each day to be grateful for what you have in your life. And in general, try to refrain from worrying and stressing about what you might not have. 

This simple shift in perspective will reinforce a positive mindset that will provide you with a sense of contentment. 

Sure, you should still strive to improve or achieve your goals to the best of your abilities. But it’s extremely beneficial to take some time to see how constantly “wanting more” affects your mindset, and remind yourself that it’s worth it to make an effort to redistribute that energy towards being mindful of what you already have accomplished and achieved.  

I used to encounter statistics such as, 71% of the world’s population lives on less than $10 a day, and they wouldn’t compute. Then, I visited rural China and South America, and lived in Poland and Romania, where I got exposure with my very own eyes. 

During my ventures abroad, I met people who would rather drink toilet water from the U.S. because it’s cleaner than their current option. So if you’re reading this on your iPhone or laptop, remember that the vast majority of global citizens cannot afford or have access to that type of luxury.

When you find sincere gratitude for what surrounds you, you’ll watch your life transform for the better. 

3. Start From The Inside Out to Develop Good Health

“To insure good health: Eat lightly, breathe deeply, live moderately, cultivate cheerfulness, and maintain an interest in life.” William Londen

Good health starts from the inside out. Feed your body healthy food, take care of your mental health, and invest in better sleep and de-stressors. These are the best things that you will ever do for yourself. 

As a former professional athlete, I’ve spent quite some time longing for a chiseled midsection, bulging biceps, and a whiter smile—so it’s hypocritical for me to tell you not to work on physical or “superficial,” external improvements. However, what I am suggesting is that they shouldn’t be your main priority.  

Begin within—internally. For example, vegetables are more responsible for a six pack than sit-ups are, proper hydration does more for your skin than cosmetics, and autophagy combats inflammation more than any topical cream. 

Address all of these kinds of improvements from the inside out, and build the types of habits that will allow you to start feeling better almost immediately.

To Achieve These Life Lessons, Remember the 5 C’s:

1.) Be Confident.

Life will throw you a lot of curveballs along the way. So it’s definitely worth learning how to roll with punches and not lose confidence when things aren’t working or happening in your favor. 

To paraphrase Charles R. Swindoll, life is 10% what happens to us and 90% how we handle it

So find a routine that breeds confidence, and make maintaining that routine your singular focus. 

2.) Be Coachable.

Don’t be afraid to ask for help. 

Vulnerability and ignorance are not weaknesses. However, thinking that you “know it all” or that you can “do everything alone” are inaccurate beliefs. 

The easiest way to put yourself in a situation to be successful is to seek out people who have already done what you’re attempting to execute, and implement their advice into your journey. 

Smart people learn from their mistakes, but the wisest people learn from the mistakes of others. 

3.) Be Competitive.

Figure out why you want to achieve whatever it is you’re after, and keep that at the forefront of your mind. 

On the days or weeks when you’re feeling as if you are no longer heading towards your goal(s), challenge yourself to get back on track by seeking motivation. 

For example, declare your objective(s) publicly to hold yourself accountable, challenge others to pick you up, or find a source where you can get a boost of encouragement when needed.

4.) Be Consistent.

Understand that life lessons are referred to as “life lessons” for a reason: they aren’t two-week goals or thirty-day challenges—they’re lifestyle changes, behavioral alterations, and mental shifts. 

The truth is, a lot of these types of transformations have to be fought and won repeatedly, so stay consistent. 

If you put more effort into the journey and daily disciplines, your desired results will take care of themselves.

5.) Be Courteous.

Although there are a lot of entities in our lives that we can’t control, we do need to take ownership over what we’re capable of managing, so be mindful of what you can handle. 

Say “thank you” to people who help you—even to people who don’t. 

Be kind to yourself during both good and bad times, and make the conscious choice to be the most positive and polite person in every room you step into.

Shifting Your Mindset for The Year Ahead

Sure, we’ve collectively experienced quite a few changes throughout 2020 that were not within our control. 

However, as we head into 2021, it’s important to consider how our words, actions, and outlooks can affect others.

Whether it’s shifting our mindset by practicing an attitude of gratitude, or simply going out of our way to say “thank you” to each other more often, we’re capable of spreading positive sentiments that will make the year ahead better than imagined. 

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