Thnks Blog

A Little Thnks Helps Build Better Relationships

Written by bkamm | Jul 3, 2018 7:03:58 PM

When was the last time you said ‘thank you’ and really, truly meant it?

Most of us don’t realize how powerful it is to say thank you. Gratitude is important. Gratitude is revolutionary. But so many people often seem surprised to see how saying thnks can be so powerful.

One might think bringing appreciation, compassion, and gratitude into our professional relationships is unprofessional, but that’s not true. Evidence shows that gratitude creates an environment where people don’t feel like cogs in a machine. They feel valued. They discover a deeper connection to the work they do and to the bonds they form.

Making gratitude and the practice of saying ‘thank you’ a fundamental part of the client experience is crucial. It can break the hardest of shells, inspire people to open up and truly connect as human beings, transform our professional relationships, and drive business and success. In fact, gratitude is a valuable emotion that offers an array of functional outcomes.

We’re all living in what Gary Vaynerchuk calls The Thank You Economy. Gratitude needs to be embraced. It’s a powerful force with life-changing effects.

So who can you say thnks to, today?

Written by: Brendan Kamm, CEO at Thnks